Learn how to utilize Flower Essences in your healing practice


Instructor: Michelle Ensley, Instructor for The School for Aromatic Studies and International Instructor for the Australian Bush Flower Essence Co.

Dates: February 16th, 23rd, March 2nd,9th, 16th,23th, 30th and April 6th 2021

Time: 6:00pm to 8:00pm EST Live Zoom Webinar

Energy medicine is at the forefront of creating a whole new world of options and outcomes, not just for practitioners, but for everyone. This Flower Essences Introductory Course explores and teaches this new paradigm of health and wellbeing based on subtle energy systems, creating new opportunities for “healing the whole person."

As a journey through the ancient wisdom of the chakras and how the Bush Essences relate to these emotionally and spiritually, this course has the potential to be a gentle yet profound healing experience on a personal level. Many people describe it as life changing.

Whether you have an interest in natural healing for yourself, your family or your clients, the Bush Essences Introductory Course contains valuable information, that you can use and benefit from.

You don’t need to know anything about Flower Essences or natural healing, or even have an intention of using the Essences on anyone other than yourself, your family and friends. We start with the basics and our aim is that by the conclusion of the course you will be a confident and competent Bush Flower Essence practitioner.

If you have already attended any of our weekend or one day workshops, the information in this course is new, and from a different perspective.

Should you be a professionally qualified practitioner, this information can be exceptionally useful in your clinical practice, enhancing your knowledge base, complementing your existing modality, and improving your client outcomes.

At the conclusion of the course, and upon successful completion of assessments, you will receive a Certificate of Completion from Australian Bush Flower Essences. An additional qualification of “Advanced Practitioner Certificate” is available (after course completion) upon submission of case histories of suitable quality.

Flower Essence Introductory Course

With Michelle Ensley

Flower Essence

You will learn:

1. History of the development of Flower Essences

2. The healing qualities of all 69 of the individual essences in the Australian Bush Flower Essences range, as well as the ready-made ABFE combinations
3. The chakra system and subtle Energy bodies along with their corresponding Bush Essences
4. How Flower Essences work
5. How thoughts and emotions affect wellbeing
6. The cutting edge science validating the ancient healing systems of Ayurvedic Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine
7. Common emotional issues and corresponding Bush Essences for each theme
8. How to prepare an individual Flower Essence for yourself and others
9. Methods of application
10. Case Histories
11. The history of, and how to interpret, the ancient art of the Doctrine of Signatures

plant tinctures with flower for alternative medicine
aromatic studies monographs

Who is this course for?

Everyone! This course is designed for all who are interested in learning about flower essences and their role in the healing process.

  • Aromatherapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Acupuncturists
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Mental Health Workers
  • and Individuals 

Tuition: $400.00


Meet Your Instuctor: Michelle Ensley

Michelle Ensley

Michelle’s love for plants began when she was a young child; Seeing a pansy and knowing it was so much more than a flower, always collecting rocks at the beach, and the woods have always been a magical place of refuge for her. Michelle worked beside her mother in the flower beds and helped her parents in the vegetable garden and went on to study Horticulture in high school and college.

Michelle attended massage school at Brenneke school of massage, became an energy worker, studied aromatherapy, flower essences, gem essences, and herbal medicine. She opened her massage practice in 2002 and began her aromatherapy studies with Jade Shutes and the IDA (now Aromatic Studies). She has been teaching the Aromatic Studies curriculum since 2005 and became involved in Hospice work in 2003 with MultiCare Home Health and Hospice, working as a comfort therapist providing massage, reiki, and doing clinical aromatherapy consultations. She continued her studies in spiritual phytoessencing with Dr. Berkowsky, natural perfumery with Ayala Moriel, became a reiki master and teacher, studied
cranial sacral therapy and integrative energy therapy.

In 2006 Michelle was introduced to the amazing world of flower essences and gem essences. She studied and is an international instructor for the Australian bush flower essence company founded by Ian White. In 2014 she enrolled in the chestnut school of herbal medicine founded by Juliet Blankespoor.

“I have been so blessed to have been taught by so many amazing teachers. My life has been enriched by
my students and patients. I am so grateful!”

Michelle’s work can be found at lilygracebotanicals.com


Tuition: $400.00